Privacy Policy

“Remy CelebrAsian” Website Privacy Policy

Rémy Cointreau USA, Inc. (“RCUSA”) is committed to protecting your personal privacy. We provide this notice to explain the type of information we collect on the website and how that information is used.

Personal Information

In general, you can visit our website without telling us your name or revealing any personal information such as your address, telephone number or email address. However, before you may enter our website, you will be required to verify that you are of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages (at least 21 years of age for United States residents) in the country in which you are located. We screen for this information to prevent minors and people in countries where alcoholic beverages are prohibited from accessing our website.

When visiting our website, we may ask you questions on an aggregate basis (we don’t identify you personally with the information) and such questions will be identified on the website. In all other instances, you should assume that we will track any information you provide on a personally identifiable basis.

In certain parts of the website, we may ask you to provide your name or other personal information so that we can provide you with information that you request, respond to feedback that you submit to the website, or allow you to participate in one of our contests or sweepstakes. Further, we may ask you for demographic data, such as your preferred language or country of residence, in order to tailor your experience on the website, display content customized to your preferences, and to otherwise administer the website. You are under no obligation to provide us with this information, but without it we may not be able to fulfill some types of requests. If you do not want your personal information collected, simply do not submit it through the website.

We use return email addresses to answer the email that we receive, and we may use return email to send you other information. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose.

Data Collected Automatically

In addition to information that you provide us voluntarily, RCUSA may collect aggregate information in the form of Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are browsing the Internet. Web servers, the computers that “serve up” web pages, automatically identify your computer by its IP address. When you request a page from this website, our servers log your IP address. We do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, so although your session will be logged, you will remain anonymous to us.

Cookies are files or pieces of information that may be stored in your computer’s hard drive when you visit a website. Cookies may also be used to help speed up your future activities or to improve your user experience by remembering the information that you have already provided to us. We do not use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not voluntarily provided by you. The use of cookies is an industry standard.

No Collection of Personal Data from Children

Our website is not directed towards minors and may not be accessed by persons who do not verify that they are of legal drinking age. Further, RCUSA will not knowingly collect any information from minors, whether with or without their parent’s or guardian’s consent, or provide any personal information collected from children to any third party.

Used of Collected Information

We will not sell or rent to third parties any personal information provided by you through the website, however, we may use information collected from you in the following ways:

We may use information for internal marketing analysis, for example, to assess trends amongst our consumers or to measure the amount of traffic to our websites. We may also share non-personal information with others, such as advertisers, in aggregate anonymous form, which means that the information will not contain any personally identifiable information about you.

We may arrange for selected organizations to send you marketing and promotional information that may be of interest to you. In such circumstances your personal information may be disclosed to these organizations who will agree to be bound by the terms of this privacy statement. We will obtain your permission before we send you any such communications.

Information that you post on, or authorize posting on our website (including pictures) becomes the property of RCUSA. Users of our site are encouraged to exercise caution when providing any personal information about themselves to be posted on public areas. Users may only provide information or material which they themselves have authority to provide for posting on our website. The RCUSA website administrator has the final decision over what may or may not be posted on the website.

In the event of a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation, we may transfer, sell, or assign to third parties information concerning your relationship with us, including without limitation, personally identifiable information that you provide and other information concerning your relationship with us.

We may transfer your personal information to third parties under confidentiality obligations when the performance of any service in relation to the activities above is sub-contracted (e.g. the administration of a marketing campaign).

We may disclose your personal information to third parties if we are required to do so by law or have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to conform with existing laws or to cooperate with law enforcement agencies or in legal proceedings.

We take reasonable precautions to keep your personal information secure. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect. However, due to the open communication nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that communications between you and us, or information stored on our servers, will be free from unauthorized access by third parties.

Our websites may contain links or references to other websites outside of our control. Please be aware that we have no control over these sites and our privacy statement does not apply to these sites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements and terms and conditions of linked or referenced sites you enter.

You may request we provide you the information we hold about you, update your information or ask us to remove your information or correct any inaccuracies in such personal data. We will use reasonable efforts to deal with your request within a reasonable time.

By using this website, you signify your assent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any term in this Policy, please do not use this site or submit any personally identifiable information.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the collection of information, please e-mail us at If you wish to request us to provide you the information we maintain about you, update that information or correct any information, please contact us at (212) 399-4200.

Please note: The laws and regulations in different countries impose different (and even conflicting) requirements on the Internet and data protection. We are located in the United States, as are the servers that make this website available worldwide. The laws of the State of New York, United States of America govern all matters relating to this website. Please note that any information you provide will be transferred to the United States and by submitting the information you authorize this transfer.